Our Goal is to provide you our valued clients with all the right information to begin your journey into the world of House & Pet Sitting. We will provide you with 1 on 1 face to face video conference calls to answer all your questions and supply valuable information. Remote access to allow the setup of software and the ability to show you our clients how to navigate all required programs. We will provide sample copies of all our paperwork for your perusal to give you ideas. Lastly, great support through to completion of your first house & pet sit.
Education Archives
Professional House Sitters Profile Website
- 1 x 4 page Professional WordPress Website (home page, contact page, gallery page, blog page)
- 1 year domain name registration
- 1 year web hosting
- 1 year Premium WordPress Theme
- 2 personalized email addresses for 1 year
- 3 x 1 hour 1 on 1 video training sessions on how to use and add content to website
- Email Support for 1 month after last training session
- Installation of plugins for ease of use of Website
Social Media Module
- Help setup Facebook and Instagram accounts
- 1 hour 1 x 1 video training sessions on how to use these accounts
- Explain how they will benefit your house and petting sitting journey
- Support up till completion of first house sit
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