Where are we from?
Both Carolyn and myself grew up in the outer western suburbs of Sydney NSW Australia, but have lived on the Gold Coast Queensland Australia for the last 16 years.
What did we do before starting our blog?
Carolyn still works remotely doing SMSF for an accounting firm. I was a computer technician for the last 14 years but now work on our blog and my photography.
Why are we doing this?
Both Carolyn and myself have wanted to travel full time for about the last 3 years, but we weren’t sure how to go about it and didn’t want to give up our security. Several factors have occurred over that time and we realized we either do it or forget about it. So we made the decision to do it and our blog is one of the ways we have started.
What are we doing now?
We have changed our lifestyle drastically and now we are traveling the world. Carolyn works remotely and I am building an online business.
How are we doing it?
We are now doing House and Pet Sitting around the world. We are currently in the USA until November 2018 and then heading to Europe.