Here at Travel Is Sweet we love to hear delightful stories from fellow travellers and photographers. If you have a story to tell, that has occurred during your travels we’d love to hear from you. We would love you to become a contributor.
There is no payment, but we will provide a link to your website, blog or social media pages if your article is published on Travel Is Sweet website. Submissions must be written in English, checked for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting. All submissions will be subject to the editor’s consent and edits. This will ensure that Travel Is Sweet polices and ethics are not comprised.
We would prefer all submissions to be original, unused or unpublished before. Please send us a brief outline of your idea and we will get back to you with an answer once we have reviewed it. We will consider submissions that have been published if we believe that they adhere to our vision.
In this fast paced world of technology, we would love to hear if you have any apps, software or gadgets that would be helpful to travellers, house and pet sitters or photographers.
Stories of misadventures and funny tales are loved as we can all relate to this. So please share with us 😊.
You can submit your ideas and proposals via our contact page or click button below.

St Wolfgang Austria
Here is a little trip in your life’s journey that will thrill you with joy. After leaving the wharf at St Gilgen, the ferry winds its way around the hillside, clusters of homes, retreats, hotels etc and after about 20 minutes arrives in St Wolfgang. It is just...

St Gilgen Austria
Let me introduce you to our beautiful little treasure tucked away in the Salzkammergut in Austria. Austria certainly has some treasures. How can I express the inner peace, this fantastic beautiful area creates in your being. The sounds of the hills alive with music!!!...

Strobl Austria
Our next sneak look at a Salzkammergut Austrian village is at Strobl. As you approach the beachfront of the lake from the ferry, particularly on holidays or long weekends a flotilla of watercraft catches your attention. There are water skiers, para-gliders, canoeists,...